Graphic Design and Illustration A / B

This is a two-semester course.  Semester A is intended as a practical, hands-on guide to help you understand graphic design concepts, graphic image creation, and image manipulation. Each lesson contains one or more Lesson Activities.  This course covers careers you can pursue in graphic design. It also covers training and skills required for a graphic designer. In addition, this course describes how to create images using color and typography and how to manipulate images. It also guides you how to create images using design elements and principles. Finally, this course covers copyright laws and ethics related to the use of graphic design.  Semester B is intended as a practical, hands-on guide to help you understand advanced concepts of graphic design, including the creation of graphic products such as logos, posters, and magazine covers. The course will also help you explore concepts of multimedia and digital photography.  Each lesson contains one or more Lesson Activities.  This course will cover the advanced manipulation of images. It will guide you on how to create graphic products such as logos, posters, and magazine covers. This course also covers multimedia and digital photography. In addition, the course covers art criticism in graphic artwork, digital publishing, and the creation of graphic design portfolio.



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