Public Speaking 1a: Introduction; 1b: Finding Your Voice

Does the thought of speaking in front of people makes you break out in hives? Maybe you want

tips on how to make that first great impression? In both cases, Public Speaking 1a: Introduction may be just what you need. In this course, you will learn from famous orators, like Aristotle and

Cicero, understand the influence of rhetoric, and discover how to recognize bias, prejudice, and

propaganda. You will also learn how to plan a speech, build an argument, and communicate

effectively, while collaborating with others.   Grab your notes and get ready to conquer public



If you’ve learned the basics and are ready to expand your public speaking skills,
Public Speaking 1b: Finding Your Voice is for you. In this course, you’ll master the fundamentals of public speaking through practice and eventually learn to speak confidently in front of large

groups. Explore the use inductive and deductive reasoning, learn how to prepare a speech

outline, and discover how to write your own speech using correct and emotive language. This

course will also help you to develop self-efficacy and self-esteem, reduce your fear of public

speaking, and teach you how to use body language effectively. You’ll also learn how to stand

back and critically examine your own work in order to identify areas for improvement.





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